There are three types of essential nutrients in food: fats, carbohydrates and proteins. These last two are very different from each other, but share their energy value: each gram contributes 4 kcal of energy to the organism. As for fats, their energy value is the double than the other two nutrients. It contributes 9 kcal for each gram consumed. The energy value of the food will depend on the concentration of these three nutrients.
There are three types of essential nutrients in food: fats, carbohydrates and proteins. These last two are very different from each other, but share their energy value: each gram contributes 4 kcal of energy to the organism. As for fats, their energy value is the double than the other two nutrients. It contributes 9 kcal for each gram consumed. The energy value of the food will depend on the concentration of these three nutrients.
So, what is the energy value of olive oil? The truth is that this question has an easy answer. The olive oil is composed in its 93.3% by fats. Therefore, its energetic value is very similar to that of lipids. Each gram of olive oil contributes approximately 8’85 kcal. Or what is the same, each 100 grams of EVOO produces 885 kcal of energy. MORE THAN DOUBLE THAN PROTEINS AND CARBOHYDRATES!